We may come from different places and look different, but there’s so much more that connects us as human beings, including faith, family, and the pursuit of happiness and self-worth. The friendship between a white condo owner and a Black security guard serves as an inspiring and unifying reminder of that essential truth.

“Judge people by their character rather than by color,” George King, who has provided security service at the Isla Key condominium development for 14 years, told the Tampa Bay Times. “The only way we are going to be able to overcome prejudice is to look at the truth, the good in all individuals.”

His friend John Arasa, an Isla Key owner, agreed: “We’ve got to look beyond what we look like, and if there is a need, try to be human and reach out.”

Despite heightened racial tensions in this country and through the individual tragedies that life throws at us, we will always be stronger together, DSI Security Services believes.